SIMCO was hired by the U.S. Navy to conduct a condition assessment and service-life evaluation of dry docks built over 60 years ago at Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.
SIMCO’s scope of work was to conduct a comprehensive field investigation, laboratory analyses and service-life modeling. SIMCO evaluated contamination levels within the concrete in order to identify which degradation mechanisms were affecting the dry docks.
Following concrete characterization and service-life predictions using STADIUM® numerical modeling software, the future degradation and contamination levels were identified if no remediation strategy was undertaken. Different repair alternatives were analyzed in order to identify the most efficient options.
SIMCO recommended the most cost-effective options for repair in accordance to the owner’s objective to extend the service life of the dry docks by 50 years.
Service-life predictions using SIMCO’s STADIUM numerical modeling software were performed to determine future degradation and contamination levels.