For whatever tunneling challenges; for highways, rail, transit, or utilities, our team has a proven track record of engineering concrete durability designs from the simplest to the most complex tunnel projects. SIMCO combines its unique engineering know-how, its leading-edge predictive technologies and its experience on large or small tunnel projects to provide best-in-class durability design engineering solutions for all types of underground infrastructure. That’s how SIMCO makes a difference.
Produce, heat-cure, and test high-performance concrete mixtures that would be used to produce precast concrete tunnel lining elements
Determine the causes of the early-age cracking observed and provide mitigation strategies to ensure the long-term serviceability of the STM metro tunnels
SIMCO was hired to apply its materials durability expertise in developing different concrete mixtures in order to meet strict construction and durability requirements.
Concrete mixture optimization to comply with durability requirements & a service life of 120 years for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel between Germany & Denmark